Monday, August 10, 2009

Using the Inkle

The Inkle loom, which you can see pictured to the left of the screen here, is used to make bands. Depending on how many dowel are on the loom will determine how long the warp will be. Mine is fairly small and will make something a couple of yards long. I built my loom by myself from looking at pictures in a book. It isn't the prettiest loom and it has a few issues with the tension, but I really like it. So far, I've made belts and head bands with with the bands I've woven. I have some ideas for other projects, and I'm working on a technique called pick up weaving. It isn't going so well at the moment. I'll keep working on it.....

This brown belt is made from regular yarn. The yarn is the type that changes color within itself. I was very pleased with the patterns it made on the Inkle loom.

This yarn is quite fun and fuzzy. It is white with silver. I was playing around with the loom and wondered how this yard would come out. I like the end result. It isn't as fuzzy once woven, but it makes a much softer band than regular yarn.

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