Friday, March 11, 2011

Inkle Disaster!

A disaster on the inkle loom!

Do you see the very sad attempt at pick-up weaving?  There are patterns in the weaving. I found some wonderful blogs that focus on this kind of weaving.  I wanted to try it. I read the blogs, watched the videos and studied the pictures, but my attempts come no where close to the pictures I saw.  Why can't I get this right?

And another disaster!  This one looked so bad I quite after three inches.
If you want to see really beautiful weavings from an inkle loom, check out this web site called ASpinnerWeaver.


  1. Your problem is in your warping. The threads that will be the pattern are warp threads. Your weft should match your background.

    I started to write out how this should be warped and then got all sorts of confused. I looked up the website again and understand now. This particular pattern does not follow the basic structure I've come to understand. I think I could explain but not without you understanding other patterns first so I would suggest you ignore this pattern for now.

  2. The simplest pattern I think you could start with is diagonal lines. Here's how you would do them: Pick two colors, let's go black and white as you chose here. Put on a white heddle warp. Then a white non-heddle warp. Now another white heddle, then another white non-heddle. This is going to serve as a border. All pick-up weaving should have some border or your selveges will be messy.

    Now warp a black heddle warp. Now a white non-heddle followed by a white heddle. Now a black non-heddle. Now a white heddle. Now a white non-heddle. Now a black heddle.

    Focus on the black only. See how they are alternating between being heddle warps and then non-heddle warps? You'll keep warping is this pattern until you have seven black warps. How many is determined by your pattern. For diagonals it doesn't really matter but we'll say seven just to keep it small. You'll end by putting on four more white warps.

  3. When written in pattern it looks like this:

    Heddle warps: W W B W W B W W B W W B W W
    Non-Heddle : W W W B W W B W W B W W W

    If you wanted it written out all in one line it would be

    Use a white weft. When you weave this normally you will get horizontal stripes. Weave a few lines like this just to get things started.

    Now the fun part. Put your hand into the open shed where you would put the shuttle. Look at the warps that are above your hand.

    You should see
    W W B W W B W W B W W B W W

    Take the second black warp above your hand and push it under your hand. Now count over nine warps from the left and make an opening here. From the warps under your hand pick up one black warp that fits between the two you're holding open.
    Now what you should see is
    W W B W W W W B W B W B W W

  4. Pass the shuttle through keeping the warps you've moved in place. You'll keep doing this every row according to the following pattern.


    X's are when you keep a black warp above your hand. O's are when the black warps should be below your hand. The white warps are not mentioned in this pattern because they will never be pushed up or down.

    I hope this is making sense. Please feel free to write me here or on my blog
    I'm not sure I've explained this well but I feel I'm taking too much space in your comments. If you would find it helpful I could put up a post with pictures. I think just knowing the pattern is in the warps will help you a lot to understand the videos. Good luck and let us know how it comes out :)

  5. Urg, I was wrong in the third part of my comment above. When you weave this pattern without pickups you will get dots, not horizontal lines. Sorry
